Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Trend in Nursing Homes: The Rise of Younger Residents

There’s an interesting new trend in nursing home care.  The number of younger residents in nursing homes has increased in the last few years.  The number of nursing home residents under the age of 65 has jumped 22%.  This means about one in every seven residents is under 65 years of age, some even in their twenties and thirties.  

What’s causing this growing phenomenon in medical care?  The Washington Post reported that it’s due to 1) medical advances that help individuals survive traumatic illnesses and injuries, and 2) the closing of mental health facilities.  Many of these younger residents have suffered severe injuries. Others have neuromuscular diseases such as multiple sclerosis, or have suffered a stroke. 
This trend has proven a challenge for caregivers and residents, because while the younger residents may have some of the same physical demands as older residents, their social and psychological needs are much different.  

While many facilities try to separate the older from the younger generations, this isn’t always possible because of the still small number of younger residents.  This can cause tensions between the generations.  The older residents complain about loud music and young visitors.  On the other hand, the younger residents don’t want to room with someone with dementia, they don’t want to be forced to eat food specifically with the elderly in mind, and hate that the only social activity is bingo.  

Living in these facilities can also cause the younger residents to become depressed not only because of their disabilities or illnesses, but because they’re constantly surrounded by the elderly and dying, and quite simply, they’re lonely.

Some homes have already accommodated these younger guests by giving them their own wing, offering poker instead of bingo, pizza and pop instead of meatloaf and tea.  They even take them out on outings. If this trend continues, the nursing home industry will have to adapt in order to not only give the elderly comfortable quality care, but also the young who suffer from debilitating injuries and illnesses.



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