Wednesday, January 12, 2011

MBC attorney speaks at Nation Business Institute seminar

MBC attorney, John R. Christensten, participated as a speaker at NBI's, Plaintiff's Personal Injury From Start to Finish, seminar.  He spoke on the topic, Statutes Which Affect Liability Evaluation, which covered the statute of limitations, auto accident statutes, and recreational and sovereign immunity.

He also participated in the presentation, Understanding the Law of Damages, in which he focused on such issues as: non-economic damages, pain, suffering, and inconvenience, disability, disfigurement, and loss of of enjoyment of life, and wrongful death claims and statutes, among others.

At the conclusion, John received an rating of 'excellent' from the seminar attendees.

Here's what they had to say:

"Knowledgeable speaker"

"Very solid; quite excellent; quality presentation"

"I have seen John speak before and he is a great presenter."

"I am a 25 year practitioner and I learned."

"Speaker's extensive experience allowed informative case examples for principles of law being discussed."

"Stated information clearly and easy to understand.  Made great connections between rules and actual cases."

Congratulations to John on a job well done.  Visit our Facebook fan page to find out about upcoming speaking engagements  by the attorneys at MBC.

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